me (at andresteingress)
first step for interface contract sup... was committed by Andre Steingress
Tuesday Mar 08
changeset -
added support for simple interface in... was committed by Andre Steingress 04:54 PM changeset
fixed generation of old variable http... was committed by Andre Steingress 04:54 PM changeset
introduction domain model https://git... was committed by Andre Steingress 04:54 PM changeset
changed author signature https://gith... was committed by Andre Steingress 04:54 PM changeset
fixed sourceposition of boolean expre... was committed by Andre Steingress 04:54 PM changeset
removed default constructor in BaseVi... was committed by Andre Steingress 04:54 PM changeset
made @NotNull annotation processor wo... was committed by Andre Steingress 04:54 PM changeset
fixed some headers https://github.com... was committed by Andre Steingress 04:54 PM changeset
some renamings, more meta annotations... was committed by Andre Steingress 04:54 PM changeset