me (at andresteingress)
fixed #33 - Error when constructor p...
was committed by Andre Steingress
Tuesday Oct 09
changeset -
Unable to apply GContracts annotation on Spock methodswas updated by me (at andresteingress) 06:52 PM ticket - test case for parameter/instance vari... was committed by Andre Steingress 04:21 PM changeset
- version 1.2.10 - fixes 2.0 imports ht... was committed by Andre Steingress 11:08 AM changeset
updated to Groovy 2.0.5
was committed by Andre Steingress
Monday Oct 08
changeset - removed unused 2.0 specific imports h... was committed by Andre Steingress 01:11 PM changeset
version 1.2.9
was committed by Andre Steingress
Thursday Oct 04
changeset - preps for 1.2.7 was committed by Andre Steingress 10:57 AM changeset
- changed compile phase back to instruc... was committed by Andre Steingress 10:52 AM changeset
- organized imports was committed by Andre Steingress 08:16 AM changeset