me (at andresteingress)
ClassCastException: o.c.g.a.e.ClosureExpression cannot be cast to o.c.g.a.e.ClassExpression
was updated by me (at andresteingress)
Thursday Feb 23
ticket - tests for direct field access https:/... was committed by Andre Steingress 09:36 PM changeset
- upgraded to Groovy 1.8.6 in build.gra... was committed by Andre Steingress 09:17 PM changeset
- ClassCastException: o.c.g.a.e.ClosureExpression cannot be cast to o.c.g.a.e.ClassExpression was updated by me (at andresteingress) 09:13 PM ticket
ClassInvariantViolation is not thrown...
was created by me (at andresteingress)
Wednesday Jan 18
ticket -
add junit dep
was committed by Andre Steingress
Sunday Jan 15
changeset - switched to native signing plugin htt... was committed by Andre Steingress 10:28 PM changeset
- added junit dep was committed by Andre Steingress 10:28 PM changeset
Unable to apply GContracts annotation on Spock methodswas updated by me (at andresteingress) 10:14 PM ticket - 1.2.5 was updated by me (at andresteingress) 09:51 PM milestone