me (at andresteingress)
Check for support of @Requires and @E...
was created by me (at andresteingress)
Tuesday Jul 12
ticket -
cyclic class in preconditionswas updated by me (at andresteingress)Sunday Jun 19
ticket - cyclic class in preconditions was updated by me (at andresteingress) 08:54 PM ticket
- classpath refactorings, about plugin ... was committed by Andre Steingress 08:35 PM changeset
cyclic class in preconditions
was created by me (at andresteingress)
Monday Jun 13
ticket -
1.2.5 snapshot
was committed by Andre Steingress
Sunday Jun 12
changeset - version 1.2.4 was committed by Andre Steingress 10:12 PM changeset
- provide better javadoc for SPI classes was updated by me (at andresteingress) 10:05 PM ticket
- consistent naming through the core classes was updated by me (at andresteingress) 10:05 PM ticket
- call to super method causes precondition violation was updated by me (at andresteingress) 10:05 PM ticket