me (at andresteingress)
fixed recursive calls from contract a...
was committed by Andre Steingress
Saturday May 21
changeset -
ContractExecutionTracker for recursiv...
was committed by Andre Steingress
Friday May 20
changeset -
accessing private variables from @Invariant
was updated by me (at andresteingress)
Thursday May 19
ticket -
use locks to avoid concurrency issues when checking contractswas updated by me (at andresteingress) 04:37 PM ticket - fixed [#28] - added try/catch with un... was committed by Andre Steingress 04:36 PM changeset
- use locks to avoid concurrency issues when checking contracts was updated by me (at andresteingress) 04:36 PM ticket
- reentrant locks to avoid concurrency ... was committed by Andre Steingress 04:36 PM changeset
- use locks to avoid concurrency issues... was created by me (at andresteingress) 04:22 PM ticket
- added test-case for violating the pos... was committed by Andre Steingress 11:26 AM changeset
- tweaked try-finally post-condition ch... was committed by Andre Steingress 11:18 AM changeset