me (at andresteingress)
provide better javadoc for SPI classes
was updated by me (at andresteingress)
Wednesday May 18
ticket - Support for static methods was updated by me (at andresteingress) 11:16 AM ticket
- Precondition (@Requires) should be checked before the method, closure is invoked was updated by me (at andresteingress) 11:16 AM ticket
- 1.2.4 was created by me (at andresteingress) 11:15 AM milestone
Invariant not obeyed for private constructorwas updated by me (at andresteingress) 11:15 AM ticket -
A circular call is detected when there isn't.was updated by me (at andresteingress) 11:11 AM ticket - Precondition (@Requires) should be checked before the method, closure is invoked was updated by me (at andresteingress) 11:10 AM ticket
- moved HTML template to resources dir ... was committed by Andre Steingress 11:08 AM changeset
- removed class invariants from read-on... was committed by Andre Steingress 10:38 AM changeset
set to 1.2.3-SNAPSHOT
was committed by Andre Steingress
Thursday May 12